US-Thai Treaty of Amity

The US-Thai Treaty of Amity, also known as the “Amity” Treaty, is a vital tool for fostering trade and economic cooperation between the United States and Thailand. It allows for American citizens to incorporate Thai companies with a majority of American shareholders and engage in a wide range of business activities. National Treatment The US-Thai […]

Registering a Company Under the Thailand Board of Investment

Registering a company under the Thailand Board of Investment offers a variety of benefits. However, it is important to understand the requirements and limitations of BOI promotion before applying. The process is complicated and involves presenting a project to BOI officers. The officers often ask for complementary information and make sure the numbers make sense. […]

Set Up a Representative Office in Thailand

Set Up a Representative Office in Thailand offers a simple and cost-effective way for a foreign company to establish a business presence in the country. The entity manages service businesses on behalf of the head office and affiliated companies in other countries. A key restriction is that the RO cannot earn revenue in Thailand. It […]

Thai Limited Company Registration

The company registration process can be complicated, but it’s essential to have the right expertise. Our consultants are well versed in Thailand’s corporate structures and can help you choose the best option for your business. The first step is reserving a name with the Department of Business Development. Then you must hold a statutory meeting […]